Added a new quest involving the new headmaid into the meeting room (place where you start the trials).Added Sunra interaction quest triggered by entering the Omni Sanctum (Pool Room).Created a whole new menu for the player to manage Omni Sanctum manufacturing and sales (merchant quest can now be completed as error in quest notes fixed.Added new resources to be collected (will later lead to utilising said resources.).Created three unique classes with four unique enemies to fight in order to level up (Levels temporarily maxed out at level 30, more coming soonish).Created four unique locations to explore and clear (later development of said locations will be an option.).Created eight new randomly selected maps with random generated features and enemies.

Added Daughters Underneath exploration (Mushroom forest is all that is available at the moment.).Fixed Niza being available before meeting.Fixed Omni Sanctum production errors (prevented certain materials from being refined or manufactured.).Bring order to this chaotic realm through guile and power, create clones of yourself, breed minions, and investigate the mysteries of the Neath, Nether, and Surface of this wayward land. Developer: The game’s story is about Exploring the world to conquer everything! Make new slaves friends! Build a harem-loving family! Become Omnilord Slime! Your journey begins as you awaken in the primordial sludge of a new world, your responsibilities are great, and your ambition is fathomless, conquering and unite the disparate peoples of the world of Arcassa.

TheOtherYuggoth Games released a new game called Omnilord and the version is 0.115d.